Our Story
“Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another” -Hemmingway
Farnash Creek Ranch (FCR) is in the Northern Texas Hill Country. Farnash Creek runs through the back side of the property hence the name. We raise beef cattle in addition to wildlife management for the purpose of primarily whitetail deer hunting. We also have turkey hunting, dove hunting and more hog hunting than we can keep up with currently.
We are first generation ranchers and purchased the ranch in stages. We started with 273 acres and 17 head of corriente roping cattle. We were lucky enough to expand our ranch to a total of 1225 acres by purchasing two contiguous properties over the course of several years. We changed our cattle from roping cattle to beef cattle and continue to expand our herd. We have a passion for raising great beef and because of this we are transitioned our herd to angus influenced cattle. We currently stock registered & commercial angus, registered and commercial brangus and a few of the corriente we can’t seem to part with!
We split our time between the ranch and our town jobs. We enjoy working with and caring for the cattle. Our goal is to raise healthy cattle that are hardy and tasty! We strive for a calm low stress environment for our cattle. We hope you will stick around and watch us grow our beef cattle operation and see our days here on the ranch.